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Donate via Text

Supporting the Cornerstone Foundation’s top three initiatives is just a text away and as simple as 1 – 2 – 3! Our platform, "Give Lively", is safe, fast, and easy.

Step 1

Start a new text from your mobile phone and send it to number 44-321.

Step 2

Choose your text code and enter it in the message field:

This fund supports continuous education for employees and volunteers in the credit union movement. It also provides for grants to assist credit unions with equipment purchases, software/hardware upgrades, non-required audit costs, and Hispanic outreach initiatives, just to name a few.

This fund supports various programs, grants, training, and materials for overall financial health and capability geared to diversely impact communities of all shapes and sizes from cradle to grave.

This fund assists credit union staff and volunteers who have been affected by natural disasters in the Cornerstone region.

This fund supports scholarships for first, second, and third year Southwest Credit Union Management School students.

Step 3

Once you send the message, you will receive an automatic text with a link to click and donate.


For more information or assistance regarding text donations, contact Angie Lutes, development director, at 972-832-0582.